raise, challenge, landscape

Inspiring yourself to WIN

Inspiring yourself to WIN is NOT an option!

So let’s start with the origin of the word which means “to breathe or blow into.”

Where does inspiration come from then? It comes from within YOU! Why? Because inspiration provided by others is fleeting…it doesn’t last long…it’s not sustainable as a daily fuel for SUCCESS.

Inspiration MUST come from within yourself!! What gives you absolute focus is YOUR WHY!

If you know your WHY, you can navigate any problem with the focus required to solve it! It is this vision you have for your future…your destination…that provides you the GRIT to keep going regardless of the circumstances!

When striving for success every day, you have to remember that nothing happens overnight! Making a decision to move forward is just the beginning!

As far as keeping the intensity of your goals top of mind, you have to OWN them without any hesitation! BE A SAVAGE!

What fuels inspiration is intention and mindset. You have to believe that you’re capable of becoming who you want to be! Also, you must control how you show up and react in the moment of battle. Never let your emotions get the best of you!

In terms of the results you’re after, whether daily or weekly, you must focus with an absolute commitment to complete the work. The major benefit of focusing on results versus “to do lists” is that you don’t limit the number of ways toward achieving results!

As far as what goals to achieve. go after the ones that matter to YOU!!! Not someone else (friend, partner, etc). Drown out the opinions of others if they are counter to you maximizing your true potential!!

Never settle for small goals!!!! YOU must aim BIG to achieve BIG!

Share your dreams with the world. I’m talking about your BIG, CRAZY dreams that inspire you every single day!!!

So saddle up….jump in…begin taking steps and planting seeds that tomorrow will provide you the shade you’ve always wanted in your life!!!!!!!!

Let’s Roll



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